
5x5 is the game that will be played for competition training at the 2nd Game Show Boot Camp.

Main Game: Each of the 5 players start with 5000 points.
A game board with 5 categories, each with 5 questions is presented. Questions are valued from 1000 to 4000 points starting on the left, while the right hand clue of each category labeled a Double Up. The Double Up is an opportunity for a player to double their score on a single question.
When selecting a category, the lowest-valued clue available will be played.
Main Game: Each of the 5 players start with 5000 points.
A game board with 5 categories, each with 5 questions is presented. Questions are valued from 1000 to 4000 points starting on the left, while the right hand clue of each category labeled a Double Up. The Double Up is an opportunity for a player to double their score on a single question.
When selecting a category, the lowest-valued clue available will be played.

A player can buzz-in after the question has been read in its entirety and a red border on the question appears. The player has up to 5 seconds to respond. A correct answer adds the value to their total, and a wrong answer will deduct the value -- however, a score can't go below zero. The player who gave the last correct answer gets to choose the next category played.

Once the first four questions in a category have been played, the Double Up question is available to be selected. Each player can play a Double Up question just once per game.
On a Double Up clue, a player is risking their entire score. When a player selects their Double Up, they have the first opportunity to give an answer or pass on the question and risk nothing. A correct answer doubles their score. If wrong answer is given, their score drops to zero. If the player does not answer the question within ten seconds, their score remains unchanged, and the other players are again given the opportunity to buzz in with five seconds to answer, playing to earn or lose 5000 points.

A Double Up question can only be selected by a player who hasn't used their Double Up, unless no other clues are available. When this occurs, the question is a tossup worth 5000 points.
If a player has less than 500 points at the end of the main game, their score is adjusted up to 500 points.
5 By Final: A question will be presented with at least five correct answers. Players will have one minute to write down as many as 5 answers on a white board. If more than 5 answers are written, only the first 5 answers that are not otherwise crossed out will be considered. On a second white board, the players will then be given 10 seconds to write down a bid (from 0 to 5) of how many correct answers they believe they have written.
If a player's bid is equal to or less than the number of correct answers written, that player's score will be affected as follows:
- Bid of 0: The player's score does not change.
- Bid of 1: Half of the player's score going into this round is added to his or her score.
- Bid of 2, 3, 4 or 5: The player's score is multiplied by their bid
If a player's bid is greater than the number of correct answers they have written, that player's score will be cut in half.
The player with the highest score at the end of the 5 x Final is declared the winner.
Game Show Boot Camp Tournament:
There are 45 players at the 2nd Game Show Bootcamp and all registrants will have the opportunity to play at least 2 games in order to potentially qualify for the playoff.